YAY! I lost 1 kg!
Ontem não emagreci, mas hoje, perdi 1kg!
Acho que era o problema da intestino preso mesmo... hihi
Yesterday I didn`t but today I lost 1kg!
I think it was the bowel movements... hihihi
Amanhã é perigoso, pois é sabado e é o dia das tentaçoes... ai ai...
Tomorrow is dangerous, because it`s Saturday and it`s the temptations day...
Mas vou rechear a geladeira de coisas gostosas para não colocar tudo a perder...
But, I`ll fill my fridge with healthy tasty snacks, or I`ll spoil everything...
Hoje na caminhada, uma senhorinha me parou para perguntar onde moro e quanto tempo eu caminho... haha... ela esta estranhando que esta me vendo todos os dias...
Today when I was walking, an old lady stopped me to ask where I lived and how long do I walk... haha... she doesn`t recognize me from her everyday walks every morning.
Diário - Journal
Dia 9 da Fase 1 ATAQUE - Peso: 92,9 (- 2,200)
Day 9 - Attack Phase. My weight: 92,9 (-2,200)
Day 9 - Attack Phase. My weight: 92,9 (-2,200)
6h - caminhada 30 minutos. 6am - 30 minutes walk
9h - pão dukan com philadelphia 9am - dukan bread and philadelphia.
12h - carne com gengibre (hummm, adoro!) 12pm - meat and ginger (I love it!)
15h - iogurte 0% - 3pm - 0% yogurt.
18h - kibe de forno. 6pm - Bulgar.
Tomei água o dia inteiro. 1 1/2 mudei para água pra ver se desce mais liquido... mas hoje a noite vou comprar chazinhos...
I had water all day. 1 1/2. I changed to water to see I can have more liquids... tonight I`ll buy some tea bags...
I had water all day. 1 1/2. I changed to water to see I can have more liquids... tonight I`ll buy some tea bags...
Como me senti: Superanimada!!! Acordei inchada e achei que tinha engordado ou no minimo que nao teria perdido nada... me surpreendi... mas depois da caminhada, me concentrei no trabalho foquei em beber a agua toda vez que olhasse para a garrafa... me senti menos inchada depois de beber a garrafa toda. Coisa da minha cabeça?
How I felt: Very excited!!! I woke up feeling chubby and I thought I gained weight or that I haven`t lost anything... I was so surprised... after the exercise, I focused at work and drank water evertime I looked at the bottle... I felt less chubbt after drinking the whole bottle. Is this a thing from my head?
How I felt: Very excited!!! I woke up feeling chubby and I thought I gained weight or that I haven`t lost anything... I was so surprised... after the exercise, I focused at work and drank water evertime I looked at the bottle... I felt less chubbt after drinking the whole bottle. Is this a thing from my head?
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