Não emagreci nada, mas acredito que seja porque eu fiquei com o intestino preso e também por nao estar conseguindo ingerir tanto liquido...
I haven`t lost anything, I believe it might be because I had constipation and also, because I couldn`t have as much fluids...
I haven`t lost anything, I believe it might be because I had constipation and also, because I couldn`t have as much fluids...
Hoje eu me arrisquei na minha primeira receita dukan.
Fiz um hamburger/almondega.
Today I tried to make my first dukan recipe.
I`ve made hamburger/meat balls.
I`ve made hamburger/meat balls.
Misturei 500 gramas de carne moída com 1/2 cebola picadinha, manjericão, 1 ovo, 1 colher de farelo de aveia, pimenta do reino e um pouquinho de sal.
Fiz de duas formas, uma na frigideira, só que sem óleo ficou meio grudado no fundo e duro... depois eu fiz no forno e ficou bem mais saboroso e macio.
Talvez as da frigideira ficariam boas, se acrescentasse molho de tomate.
I mixed 500g of minced meat, 1/2 onion chopped, basil, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of oat bran, black pepper and salt.
I`ve made in two ways, one in a frying pan, without oil, but the meat balls weren`t soft... after I`ve made in the oven and it was better, soft and tasty. Perhaps, adding the tomato sauce to the first one I`ve made, would be good.
Talvez as da frigideira ficariam boas, se acrescentasse molho de tomate.
I mixed 500g of minced meat, 1/2 onion chopped, basil, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of oat bran, black pepper and salt.
I`ve made in two ways, one in a frying pan, without oil, but the meat balls weren`t soft... after I`ve made in the oven and it was better, soft and tasty. Perhaps, adding the tomato sauce to the first one I`ve made, would be good.
Diário - Journal
Dia 8 da Fase 1 ATAQUE - Peso: 93,9 (- 1,100)
Day 8 of Attack Phase - 93,9kg (-1,100)
Day 8 of Attack Phase - 93,9kg (-1,100)
6h - caminhada 30 minutos. 6am - 30 minutes walk
9h - almondega na frigideira. 9am - meat balls
12h - kani 12pm - kani
15h - almondega no forno. 3pm - meat balls
18h - iogurte 0% 6pm - 0% yogurt
Tomei chá verde o dia inteiro. 1 litro. Ainda não estou conseguindo ingerir muito liquido... acho que por isso nao perdi nenhuma grama hoje...
I had green tea all day. 1 litre. I still can`t have a lot of fluids... I think I haven`t lost anything today.
I had green tea all day. 1 litre. I still can`t have a lot of fluids... I think I haven`t lost anything today.
Como me senti: Meio desapontada por nao ter emagrecido nada, mas pelo menos nao engordei, certo? Acho que eh porque fiquei com o intestino preso... vamos ver amanha.
How I felt: I little disappointed because I haven`t lost anything, but at least I haven`t gained any weight either, right? I guess it`s because I have this constipation... let`s see tomorrow!
How I felt: I little disappointed because I haven`t lost anything, but at least I haven`t gained any weight either, right? I guess it`s because I have this constipation... let`s see tomorrow!
Minha meta é 65kg.
Minha altura é 1.70cm.
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