A partir desta fase, decidi me pesar a cada semana, pois acho que o emagrecimento será mais lento e para que eu não me decepcione jogue a dieta pros ares, vou pesar somente no sábado de manhã.
Com a meta de perder 1,5kg por semana, totalizando 6 kg por mes. Assim, em Março chegarei no meu objetivo. Assim espero.....
From this phase on, I decided to weigh myself every week, because I think I`ll be slower on the weight lost. In order not to be disapointed and give up on everything, I`ll do it every Saturday morning.
With the goal of losing 1,5kg a week, 6kg in a month. That way, in March I`ll reach my goal. I hope so...
Bom, como previsto, hoje meu marido quis comer fora. Ainda bem que eu estou no Cruzeiro e pude comer legumes pelo menos, senão seria um desastre!
Well, like expected, today my husband wanted wanted to eat out. Thank God I`m on Cruise, so I couls eat vegetables at least, otherwise it would be a disaster!
Ele fez a caminhada comigo como combinado! Nos fins de semana, ele prometeu ir comigo.
He did the 30 minutes walk with me, like he promised! During weekends, he`ll go with me.
Esta fase consiste em intercalar um dia de PP (proteina pura) e um dia de PL (proteina com legumes).
In this phase, I should have one day of PP (pure protein) and one day of PV (protein and vegetables).
Fui no mercado e comprei:
I went to the supermarket and bought:
Berinjela; albergine
Repolho; cabbage
Cenoura; carrots
Cebolas; onions
Iogurtes 0%; 0% yogut
Patinho em bife; steaks
Carne moida; Minced meat
Peito de frango; e Chicken breast
Queijo ralado fresco. schreded light cheese
Diário - Journal
Dia 11 - 1 da Fase 2 CRUZEIRO
Day 11 - 1st of Cruise Phase
Day 11 - 1st of Cruise Phase
8h- caminhada 30 minutos. - 8am - 30 minutes walk
12h- restaurante - frango, carne e hamburger grelhados com legumes no vapor ao molho shoyu com cebola. Suco de legumes. (Fiquei preocupada que tinha açúcar neste suco)
12pm - Restaurant - grilled chicken, steak, hamburger with steamed vegetables with soy sauce and onion. Vegetables juice. (I was worried, what if the juice had sugar in it?)
12pm - Restaurant - grilled chicken, steak, hamburger with steamed vegetables with soy sauce and onion. Vegetables juice. (I was worried, what if the juice had sugar in it?)
15h - iogurte 0% com farelo de aveia. 3pm - oat bran with 0% yogurt.
18h - 1 bife de patinho temperadinho com limão, tomilho, cebola e alho. Salada de moyashi com shoyu.
6pm - steak with lemon, thyme, onion and garlic. Moyashi salad with soy sauce.
6pm - steak with lemon, thyme, onion and garlic. Moyashi salad with soy sauce.
Tomei água e cha quente o dia inteiro. 1 1/2.
I had water and hot tea all day 1 1/2
I had water and hot tea all day 1 1/2
Como me senti: muito satisfeita com os resultados e esperançosa com esta nova fase!
Estou "naqueles dias". Vou deixar registrado pois quero ver se influencia na dieta.
How I felt: I was really glad with the result and very anxious with this new phase!
I`m on ¨those days¨. I wanna see if this changes something on my diet.
Estou "naqueles dias". Vou deixar registrado pois quero ver se influencia na dieta.
How I felt: I was really glad with the result and very anxious with this new phase!
I`m on ¨those days¨. I wanna see if this changes something on my diet.
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