My second day of the Cruise phase, PP day.
Acordei e já fui fazer minha caminhada, tomei meu iogurte com farelo...
I woke up, did my walk and had my oat bran with yogurt...
Fiz paquecas.... Delíciaaa! Vou postar a receita pra voces!
I`ve made some pancakes... Delicious! I`ll post the recipes for you!
Diário - Journal
Dia 12 - 2 da Fase CRUZEIRO
Day 12 - 2nd of Cruise Phase
Day 12 - 2nd of Cruise Phase
8h- caminhada 30 minutos. Iogurte 0% com farelo de aveia. 8am - 30 min walk. oat bran with yogurt.
11h - 2 panquecas - 11am - 2 pancakes.
15h - cha de anis com adocante - 3pm - anis tea
18h - bife de patinho e 1 tofu com shoyu e limão. - 6pm - steak and tofu with soy sauce and lemon
Tomei cha o dia inteiro. 2 litros! YAY!
I had tea all day. 2 litres! YAY!
I had tea all day. 2 litres! YAY!
Como me senti: Hoje acordei com fomeeeee.... Mas mantive minha PP.
How I felt: Today I woke up very hungry.... but I kept my PP.
How I felt: Today I woke up very hungry.... but I kept my PP.
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